What does Proverbs 14:3 mean?

In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them. — Proverbs 14:3 KJV

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A fool’s mouth lashes out with pride, but the lips of the wise protect them. — Proverbs 14:3 NIV

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This verse serves as a guidepost, urging us to examine the nature of our speech and the motivations behind it. Are we speaking from a place of pride, or are we allowing wisdom to guide our words? It challenges us to cultivate a heart of wisdom, one that reflects the love and humility that is central to Christian faith, ensuring that our words bring life and preservation, not only to ourselves but to all we interact with.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, help me to be mindful of the moments when pride seeks to take hold, and grant me the strength to choose silence over words that may harm. Instill in me a spirit of discernment, that I might use my voice to preserve peace and foster understanding among my brothers and sisters.

I pray that my lips be a vessel for Your truth and wisdom, speaking life into every situation. Let the words I speak be seeds of Your love, planted in the hearts of those who hear them, growing into a harvest of righteousness for Your glory.

I thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Word, which guides and shapes me. Help me to walk in the path of wisdom, that my life might be a testament to Your unfailing love and grace.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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