What does Hebrews 13:1 mean?

Let brotherly love continue. — Hebrews 13:1 KJV

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Let brotherly love continue. — Hebrews 13:1 NIV

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This verse is a powerful summons to live out our faith through the lens of love, making it the guiding principle in our interactions with others. It’s about seeing each person as a brother or sister in Christ, deserving of love and respect, and acting accordingly in all that we do. This verse challenges me to continually ask myself: How can I let brotherly love continue today in my own life?

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, in a world that often celebrates division, let me be a beacon of unity, reflecting Your love in my actions and words. Help me to nurture the bonds of fellowship within my community, cherishing and strengthening them as precious gifts from You.

I pray that my heart be ever open, my arms ever wide, and my actions ever kind, so that through me, others might experience the unchanging, unwavering love You offer freely to all.

In the name of Jesus, who showed us the full extent of sacrificial love, I pray, Amen.

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