And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. — Ezekiel 36:23 KJV
I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the Sovereign Lord, when I am proved holy through you before their eyes. — Ezekiel 36:23 NIV
Reflection on Verse for Today
Even though we are not suitable vessels for God to utilize, he is nevertheless able to and will use us anyway. The Bible provides many examples of people who God used despite the fact that they did not meet his moral and holy requirements. For instance, think a little bit about Samson or most of the other Judges! God will be seen by all people for who he truly is: a holy, powerful, and wonderful God. Therefore, let’s not let ourselves be used as unwilling tools in his hands. Instead, let us present ourselves as an offering to him so that he may use us to further his glory and service.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, make me pure and holy not only by your grace but also in the things that I say and do, the thoughts that I have, and the acts that I take. By the power of your Holy Spirit, please create in me a heart that is clean and refresh in me a spirit that is just. I pray that my life will be an offering of praise and holiness to you. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.