Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. — Psalm 37:24 KJV
Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. — Psalm 37:24 NIV
Knowing that God supports us can inspire us to live boldly and with courage, taking steps in faith even when the path isn’t clear. It pushes us to trust more deeply in God’s plans and timing, not just our own understanding.
We should deepen our reliance on God encouraging us to surrender our fears and anxieties to Him knowing that He is with us guiding us through every challenge and every moment of potential growth.
My Prayer
Guide my steps, O God, and give me the courage to walk boldly in faith, even when the path is uncertain. Help me to rely deeply on You, casting aside my fears and doubts. May I always remember that You are with me, guiding, supporting, and loving me every step of the way.
Thank you, Father, for Your endless love and mercy. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.