Romans 12:9 KJV

Bible Verse of the Day KJV - February 15 2023 Wednesday

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. — Romans 23:9 NKJV

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Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. — Romans 12:9 NIV

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Reflection on Verse for Today

True sincerity can only be found in divine love that emanates from our Savior’s heart. The most important fruit of the Spirit is love, which we are required to display in our lives. The Holy Spirit can only give us this fruit if we die to self, abide in Christ, and He in us. Human love is flawed, and it frequently shows selfish tendencies or hides behind pretenses of hypocrisy. However, holy love is sincere, unwavering, and infallible. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things; it is not envious, haughty, unfit, or easily offended.

Yes, love never fails and is kind, gracious, and patient. As Christians, our dearest desire should be to cling on to all that is good, while evil is to be avoided and all unlovely behaviors and ungodly attitudes are to be abhorred and loathed – with a pure, godly hatred.

According to the gifts and ministries that we have been given by the Spirit of God, Paul insists that the man or woman of God should show in their life a godly love that emanates from a deep regard for the Lord and a compassionate affection for those who are in the household of faith. Such a person ought to mirror Christ in their life, producing much fruit, and in their overflowing love for God, which is greater than all human understanding.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I give You thanks for Paul’s remarkable letter to the Romans, which lays out the cornerstones of our faith and the conduct that You expect of all Your blood-bought children in such a plain and understandable manner. I ask that God’s love fill me completely and flow through me to others as I live my life to Your honor and glory. As I abide in Christ and He in me, I pray that I may cling to what is good and despise all that is evil. I also beg that my love be without hypocrisy. Amen.