What does Proverbs 20:4 mean?


Remember that out of God’s generosity, He has provided us with all the resources and opportunities as well as the power and abilities to participate in the diligent sowing of seeds in our lives.
While we acknowledge that every good gift comes from above, we are also stewards of God’s creation and blessings. So let our actions, efforts, and diligence become a reflection of our stewardship and gratitude towards God for His provision.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, please grant me the strength and perseverance to continue sowing even when the soil seems barren, trusting that in due time, under Your sovereign hand, a harvest will come forth.
Guide me, Father, to sow seeds of love, kindness, faithfulness, goodness and generosity in all areas of my life. I pray that my life will be fruitful not for my own glory but for You alone. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.

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