What does Proverbs 15:7 mean?

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so. — Proverbs 15:7 KJV

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The lips of the wise spread knowledge, but the hearts of fools are not upright. — Proverbs 15:7 NIV

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As Christians, this verse encourages us to reflect on the nature of the wisdom we seek and the purposes for which we use it. It reminds us that true wisdom is not just about personal enrichment or intellectual achievement. Rather, it’s about how that knowledge is applied in service to others and in glorifying God. Wisdom, in the Christian sense is as much about the condition of the heart and the actions it inspires as it is about the intellect.

This reflection leads us to consider the ways in which we use our words and knowledge. Are we sharing what we know in a way that builds others up and reflects God’s love and truth? Or are we using our words and knowledge to assert superiority, to belittle, or merely to serve my own interests?

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, help me to guard my heart against foolishness. Let me not hoard Your wisdom for selfish gain, but instead, let my heart overflow with love and a desire to serve others. Teach me to use my words to reflect Your love, grace, and truth in every conversation, every encounter.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace and wisdom in a world that often celebrates folly. May my life be a testament to the transformative power of Your word, guiding others to the light of Your presence.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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