Power of the Holy Spirit

power of the Holy Spirit

A manifestation of the Holy Ghost is something that has been predicted to take place for those who believe in it.

The Bible verse Joel 2:28 says, “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; and your old men shall dream dreams; and your young men shall see visions.” As a Christian, having the Holy Ghost is something that is really advantageous and beneficial to have. A Christian who does not have the Holy Spirit is comparable to a person who is dead yet walking.

The Holy Spirit sheds light on things to come. He is able to see into the future of any endeavor that you wish to undertake. He makes the decision to keep you from being involved in a romantic partnership that has a promising beginning but is certain to fail in the long run. As a result of the power that God possessed, the wise men were able to discern Herod the king’s thoughts with regard to Jesus, who had just been born. Holy Spirit warns you of the danger that lies ahead of you and guides you away from it.

Discernment is a gift that comes from the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul was successful in exorcising the spirit of the devil from a certain damsel who possessed the spirit of divination and brought her employer profit through soothsaying. Paul was able to accomplish this by the power of the Holy Ghost. Even though she praised Paul and other ministers, saying that they were the servants of the highest God who showed the way to salvation, Paul knew that the spirit in her was not of God and that she did not have a good intention. This was despite the fact that she praised Paul and the other ministers (Acts 16:16-18). You need the spirit of God to identify when a demonic agent posing as a man of God is attempting to deceive you by telling secret secrets about your life that no one else knows about except for you. These are things that no one else knows about except for you. Warnings about false prophets can be found in Matthew 7:15, which states, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothes, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

The Holy Spirit sheds light on the hidden things of God while simultaneously bearing witness against evil (Amos 3:7; 2 Kings 17:13).

Staying away from sin is one of the best ways to earn God’s approval. When we are faced with a temptation to sin, the Holy Spirit equips us with the strength to overcome that temptation. He will provide us eternal life after instructing us in the right and wrong ways to behave in God’s kingdom.

What other channels of discourse does the Holy Spirit make Himself available through? He uses a wide variety of formats and channels to communicate. He was able to convey his message through the use of a voice (Acts 8:29), visions (Numbers 12:6), and dreams (Daniel 7:1).

Holy Spirit is something that is required in the lives of all people; it is not just for the men of God to have. It will be in your best interest to pray to God for his spirit so that the devil and those working for him might be vanquished and brought to submission under your control.

At long last, those who show contempt for the Holy Spirit will be disciplined. Elisha is quoted as saying, “Hear you the word of the Lord.” According to 2 Kings 7:1-2, Elisha said, “Hear you the word of the Lord.” Thus says the Lord: Tomorrow about this time, a measure of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley shall be sold for a shekel. Then a lord on whose hand the monarch rested spoke to the man of God by saying that if the Lord were to construct windows in heaven, then perhaps this thing could be possible. And he said to them, Behold, you will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat of it. In reality, the chief was given a spanking. “And so it came to pass with him: for the people stepped on him in the gate, and he died” (2 Kings 7:20). We pray that the Lord would endow us with the ability to use the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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