Characteristics of the Holy Spirit

If you follow the Spirit of God, you will undergo significant transformations. Characteristics of behavior that are produced by the Holy Spirit are those that are reminiscent of Jesus. The apostle Paul referred to these qualities as the fruit of the Spirit in several of his writings. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruit of the Spirit,” it says in the Bible (Galatians 5:22-23).

What particularly sticks out to me is the fact that these qualities are not the result of our body but rather of the work of the Holy Spirit. We can’t merely force them to change by exerting more of our own willpower; doing so requires the grace of God. On the other hand, if we continue to yield our wills to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can anticipate developing these qualities in our life. During the course of this week, I’d like to concentrate on the quality of joy.

I believe that a feeling of contentment and joy within oneself is something that lies deep within the aspirations of every single person. Regrettably, the majority of the time, we search for it in all the wrong places. There is no correlation between increasing one’s income, purchasing a new vehicle, or going on vacation and increasing one’s level of happiness. True happiness can only be found in a relationship with Jesus, despite the fact that those other things could provide momentary pleasure.

David made this proclamation to God: “In Your presence is fullness of delight; at Your right hand are joys that endure forever” (Psalm 16:11). In point of fact, one’s circumstances have no bearing on their capacity for genuine happiness. When you have a relationship with Jesus, you can have joy in spite of the fact that things aren’t going the way you want them to.

Someone mentioned to me that she had been going through a rough patch recently, and I recall hearing about it. She prayed for more joy one day, but her immediate circumstances did not change in response to her petition. One of her coworkers, on the other hand, observed a shift in her behavior. Someone said that she must have had a fantastic day because she was smiling so much and appeared to be in a good mood. However, the reality of the matter was that it hadn’t really changed at all; she still had a very difficult day ahead of her. But Jesus was the only one who could transform her demeanor in the way that He did. He was responsible for her feeling a delight that was independent of her surroundings. That is the kind of delight that God is able to instill in each one of us. It’s not a fleeting sensation; rather, it’s a thrill that runs deep and endures over time.

Nevertheless, we cannot deny the fact that our past has left an impression on us. We are not completely oblivious to everything that is occurring in our surroundings. The question now is, how can we preserve our joy despite the ups and downs that life brings? Isaiah made a proclamation in which he said, “The LORD is my strength and song; he has also become my salvation.” You will therefore drink water with gladness from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:2-3).

When I read this verse, it makes me think about the extraction of natural resources such as coal, which is something that our region is quite experienced in. We are aware that coal is a precious resource; nevertheless, in order to utilize it, it must first be mined from deep inside the earth. It is possible for it to remain buried beneath the surface for hundreds of years without having any significant effect, but once it is mined, it can be utilized to provide fuel, heat, and power.

The utilization of supernatural assets is essentially identical. We are able to tap into the supernatural resources that God provides in the same way that people can utilize natural resources. The salvation that comes from God is comparable to a vast supply of joy, serenity, and strength.

Remembering the ways in which God has blessed you can be a source of great delight and bring you closer to the wells of salvation. Reading and proclaiming the truth that is found in His word can bring you joy. Praise songs offered to God are a source of joy for those who sing them. If you put in the effort, you can always experience the delight that he has to offer.

Allow the supernatural resources that God provides to be the gasoline that propels you forward. “Your strength comes from the joy of the LORD,” the Bible says (Nehemiah 8:10). Stay steadfast in the Lord and let His joy continually fill you up.

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