Luke 15:21 KJV

Bible Verse of the Day KJV - March 23, 2023 Thursday

And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. — Luke 15:21 KJV

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The son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” — Luke 15:21 NIV

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Reflection on Verse for Today

One of the amazing benefits we all enjoy as members of God’s family and those who have been rescued by grace through faith in Christ is fellowship with the Father. But after we have been saved, there are lessons that a child of God needs to learn and correction that each son must go through. Too frequently, we allow our own carelessness or reckless attitude to influence a behavior that displeases our heavenly Father.

Yet, just like the prodigal son, we must confess our sins to the Lord, knowing that He is faithful and just to forgive us our transgressions and to purify us from all unrighteousness if we do.

When an unsaved sinner turns to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin, there is joy in heaven. Yet, there is also joy when a child of God who has become entranced by the things of this world returns to their senses and acknowledges their sin to the Lord.

The prodigal son was correct; when we sin, neither of us is worthy to be referred to as the son of our Father. But, it is HIS righteousness—and not our own—that covers those of us who have been rescued by grace through faith in Christ. Christ’s offering on our behalf made us sons of God. We are loved by the Father, not because of our own righteousness, but because of the Beloved.

Therefore, this prodigal son parable provides us with clear instructions on how to enter back into sweet communion with our Heavenly Father after we have broken fellowship through sin. We are to leave the old life behind, turn away from our sin, return in penitence and obedience to the Lord our God, and confess our mistakes to our Heavenly Father.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, though I am not worthy, You have chosen to forgive me of my sin by washing it away in the blood of Jesus Christ, who served as my sin offering. I admit that I have not loved and served You as I should have and that I frequently put my own egotistical wishes before of following Your Word.

I acknowledge, Lord, that I have done many things that are unworthy of Your name, but I am grateful that all of my sins have been forgiven through Christ. All of my days, keep me humbling myself at the Cross and broken before You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.