What does John 13:15 mean?

For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. — John 13:15 KJV

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I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. — John 13:15 NIV

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Today's Verse Reflection

In practice, living out this verse can look like many things: offering support to a friend in need, volunteering time for community service, or simply showing kindness and patience in daily interactions. It’s about adopting a posture of humility and putting others’ needs before our own, not out of obligation but out of love, following the example Jesus set for us.

Remember that the path of discipleship is one of service, humility, and love, challenging me to embody these values in our daily lives.

My Prayer

I pray, Lord, that You would instill in me a heart that mirrors Jesus’ heart—a heart that delights in serving others, not for recognition or reward, but out of genuine love and compassion. Help me to embrace humility, not as a sign of weakness, but as a mark of true strength and character, following the footsteps of Christ.

In the day-to-day rush of life, it’s easy to overlook those moments where I can serve, where I can extend a hand in kindness, or offer a word of encouragement. Open my eyes, Lord, to see those opportunities. Soften my heart, that I might serve others with the same love and compassion Jesus showed.

Grant me the wisdom to recognize that in serving others, I am serving You. May this truth transform my actions and my attitudes. Let me not seek to be served but to serve, to give of myself freely, as Jesus did, without expecting anything in return.

Thank You, Father, for the gift of Jesus’ example. May His life continue to guide and inspire me daily. Strengthen me by Your Spirit, that I might live out this calling with joy and perseverance.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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