For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. — 2 Peter 1:16 KJV
For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. — 2 Peter 1:16 NIV
Reflection on Verse for Today
This verse from the second letter of Peter presents a critical affirmation about the authenticity of the Gospel and the veracity of the experience of the apostles with Jesus Christ. It underscores the fact that the testimony of the apostles is not based on cunningly crafted tales or imaginative stories, but on first-hand experiences and true accounts.
The apostle Peter, in this verse, assures the recipients of his letter, and indeed all Christians, that his testimony of Jesus Christ is not some second-hand account, not a fable nor myth, but a reality he personally witnessed. The “coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power” refers to Christ’s transfiguration, where Peter, along with James and John, saw Jesus transformed into a radiant, glorious figure, affirming His divine nature (Matthew 17:1-9).
This is a reminder to Christians of the integrity and genuineness of the faith they profess. Christianity isn’t built on hearsay or fabricated stories, but on the authentic experiences of those who walked with Jesus, those who saw His works, and witnessed His glory. It’s a faith grounded on historical events, seen and testified by credible witnesses.
Moreover, this verse also calls for trust in the testimonies and teachings of the apostles. It highlights the importance of the apostolic tradition and its reliability as a source of divine truth. This message is a rebuttal to doubters and sceptics who may dismiss the Gospel as a collection of myths or fables. It serves as a strong reminder that Christianity is based on verifiable events and the very real experience of God’s love and power through Jesus Christ.
Lastly, this verse encourages us to be witnesses of Christ’s majesty in our own lives. Just as Peter testified about his experiences with Jesus, we are also called to share how God has worked and continues to work in our lives. We do not follow or spread cleverly invented stories, but we share the reality of God’s grace and love that we’ve personally experienced.
This verse thus becomes a call to authenticity, a call to trust, and a call to testimony for all of us who follow Christ.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am profoundly grateful for Your Word, as revealed in 2 Peter 1:16. It is a powerful affirmation of the reality and authenticity of my faith in You. I am reminded that the foundation of my faith is not based on crafted tales or hearsay, but on the testimonies of those who witnessed Your majesty and glory firsthand.
Lord, as I reflect on this verse, I am grateful for the apostles, who bore witness to Your divine power and glory, most especially to Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Their steadfastness and courage in sharing Your truth inspire me to be steadfast and courageous in my own journey of faith.
As Peter and the apostles testified about their experiences with Jesus, so too am I called to share my experiences of Your grace and love in my life. Grant me the courage and wisdom to be a faithful witness of Your goodness, to be true to my own experiences of You and to share them authentically with others.
Help me to trust, dear God, in the testimonies and teachings of the apostles, to deepen my understanding of Your Word, and to grow in my faith. May their testimonies become a beacon for me, illuminating my path and guiding my steps in Your way.
And, Father, I pray that You continually reveal Your majesty in my life. May my experiences with You not be a mere collection of stories, but real encounters that affirm Your presence and Your love for me.
I pray all these in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who came in power and was witnessed in His majesty. Amen.