Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. — 1 Corinthians 1:25 KJV
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. — 1 Corinthians 1:25 NIV
Reflection on Verse for Today
Since there is no one who is good enough to pay the price for sin, not even one, God, who is all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everlasting, knew that the only way to free fallen mankind from their slavery to sin and everlasting death-sentence was to die in man’s place.
Thus, the sinless Son of Man, the eternal Son of God, was born into His own world. In order to redeem everyone who would believe in His name, He also died for the sin of the world. However, because He was everlasting and the eternal Son of God, He was immune to death. As a result, death was unable to seize Him because He was alive. The power of death was thus destroyed in the lives of everyone who would have faith in Him by means of His glorious resurrection.
Man initiated sin through false reasoning, and man continues to seek salvation through his own flawed human wisdom. No matter how intelligent or successful men become, they cannot discover God through their own human reasoning and discredit the one and only way by which man can be saved – making the wisdom of man to be foolishness.. and themselves to be fools – for salvation is found at the foot of the cross.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for Jesus and for Your kind scheme of salvation. Thank You for choosing, in Your wisdom, to make faith in the eternal Son of God—who was born into His own creation—the one and only means of salvation. Through His atoning death and glorious resurrection, all who believe in Him are delivered from the penalty of the Law, made the righteousness of God in Christ, and have the power of death forever removed from their lives. Teach me to live in Him day by day. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.