For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. — Romans 10:10 KJV
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. — Romans 10:10 NIV
Reflection on Verse for Today
The only One who examines the thoughts and intentions of the heart is God. Only God is able to judge the sincerity of our faith. If we honestly believe in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day, as the Scripture claims, only God knows. Furthermore, God knows and rescues when a person places their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to atone for their sins.
And we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord to God alone. Even if I use the appropriate words, confessing to someone with my tongue can never result in my salvation since only God can save; no man can. Sins are pardoned by God alone. And God is faithful and just to hear our confession and forgive us our sins—for God hears and He saves—when a sinner confesses with their mouth to God that they believe in the Person and Work of Christ and that “Jesus is Lord.” God is just and loyal to do this.
We can only grasp that a person believes with their heart, leading to righteousness, if one reads this passage of Scripture methodically, harmoniously, and in context. This is because God Himself is able to read our hearts and usher us into the kingdom of His precious Son. For it is through our mouth that we acknowledge Jesus as Lord before our heavenly Father, which brings about redemption. Everything is done to the glory of God the Father.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, there is much about your Word that I do not comprehend and need to learn, but I ask that the Holy Spirit will lead me into all truth. Prevent me from being persuaded by people who exhibit religious enthusiasm, religious ignorance, religious intolerance, or religious arrogance to accept a twisted version of the magnificent gospel of grace.
Grant me the knowledge and humility to seek You when I am confused, and aid my studies so that I may present myself to God in a manner worthy of His approval. I ask you to please open my eyes so I can see all the great things in Your written Word. I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen.