Psalm 40:8 KJV

Bible verse of the day for October 16 2022 KJV

I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. — Psalm 40:8 KJV

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I desire to do your will, my God;    your law is within my heart. — Psalm 40:8 NIV

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It is difficult for far too many of us to hear a passage like this because we have an irrational fear of the word “law.” However, we must acknowledge that the purpose of the New Covenant of grace and the gift of the Spirit is for God’s law to be inscribed on our hearts and exemplified in our lives. This is the ultimate objective of the covenant.

God is unconcerned about whether or not it is recorded on tablets made of stone.
Jeremiah foretold of a future time when the desire of God’s people to carry out God’s plan would be their primary motivation. They would have a burning desire to love the things that our heavenly Father loves and to despise the things that He despises.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I want to carry out your will in every way. I want to bring glory to You, delight you, and point people in your direction. Please grant me the spiritual discernment to recognize Your will and the spiritual bravery to carry out Your will right now.

When I am tempted by Satan to live my life apart from you, I want your integrity and righteousness to be the guiding principles in my heart. When I am in the wrong or when I have gotten off track, please correct me, O God. I bow down and pray in the majestic name of Jesus.

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