Psalm 27:19

Proverbs 27:19 KJV and NIV

As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man. — Proverbs 27:19 KJV

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As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. — Proverbs 27:19 NIV

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Bible Verse Reflection

God’s Word is the most accurate mirror through which we must take a closer look. In the Bible represents the serene pool that we can gaze upon every day, for Christ’s face can be seen as the mirror in which our hearts should rest.

We must proclaim this truth to ourselves and be a follower of the Word as well as listeners of the truth of God. Let us every with unseen eyes, behold the glory of God like looking at His reflection in the mirror to transform into His magnificent image and be transformed from glory to glory by the power of the divine Spirit of God and as we die to self and live for Him.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the wonderful truths that are in Your Word. I pray that I may be able to keep my heart’s eyes set on Christ and look through the Scriptures more diligently to discover more about You and become more like Jesus Christ in everything I do and say. 

Help me and teach me to be like Him and that I only do the things Jesus has taught me, and only do actions that are in honor of Him in order that His love, grace and tenderness, and beauty, will be evident within me and radiate out to other people. In Jesus the name, I ask. Amen.

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