Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. — Psalm 119:18 KJV
Open my eyes that I may seeĀ wonderful things in your law. — Psalm 119:18 NIV
This is a very appropriate prayer for Christians to offer, given that we believe in grace and that we have been set free from the obligation to keep the law as a way of achieving justification and righteousness. When there is no fundamental foundation of law that underpins the soul of a society, we can look around our world and witness the anarchy and brutality that results from this. The law of God brought about a great many good things and can continue to do so for us even now if we are willing to let it. Jesus, however, is the greatest blessing that came through the Old Testament Law since he is the one in whom all of God’s promises are fulfilled.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, we praise you for the purity of your character. When you judge the world, I am confident that you will bring about justice and put an end to all forms of injustice. This provides me with solace because I know that in Christ, you regard me as your virtuous child. Thank you for that. My petition to you this morning is that you would help me to live in such a way that would bring respect to you and represent the character of your Son while he was walking this earth. I ask this in the name of Jesus, who is both my Lord and my Messiah. Amen.