Psalm 11:7 KJV

Bible verse of the day for November 6 2022 Sunday KJV

For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright. — Psalm 11:7 KJV

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For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face. — Psalm 11:7 NIV

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Is there any other promise that can compare to this one for people who strive to live a decent and virtuous life? We will have a direct encounter with God! Incredible. What a wonderful gift! What a promising future. What a wonderful example of a father.

Therefore, let us pursue our heavenly Father, the LORD God, with all of our heart, soul, and mind until the day comes when we are finally able to see him for who and what he truly is: face to face with God in all of his splendor.

My Prayer

Thank you, dear Father, Mighty King of all the Ages, for the wonderful and priceless promises you have given us.

I eagerly anticipate the day when I will be able to converse with you face to face and bask in the glory of your unending presence. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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