For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. — James 2:26 KJV
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. — James 2:26 NIV
Thought and Reflection
This definition means that many people who claim to be Christians are spiritual corpses. Faith must be expressed in service for it to be true. Faith does not just move mountains, it also moves believers to bless others and honor God.
Faith without works is, as it has been suggested, nothing more than “dead orthodoxy” or the display of an ineffective and barren doctrine. A believer who does not do good works is not condemned. They are not living the victorious lives that the Lord wants for His children. They are not living in a way to honour their Heavenly Father. He could discipline them if they do not follow His will for their lives. They don’t live by the Word of God. They are not living in spirit and truth. Instead, they live a life of deceitful and empty words that discredit the Lord who bought them.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am grateful that I was made alive by Christ and have the Holy Ghost living in me. He breathed His life into my spirit when I believed Christ to be my Savior.Â
I pray for a living faith that does the good works You prepared and that it is not dead or fruitless. I pray that others will see Christ in me and work through me, so that Your name may be glorified by all that I do. This is what I ask in Jesus name, AMEN.