Deuteronomy 10:14 KJV

Bible verse of the day for October 13 2022 KJV

Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord‘s thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is. — Deuteronomy 10:14 KJV

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To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. — Deuteronomy 10:14 NIV

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Everything belongs to God! Our world reveals the varied and creative essence of our heavenly Father through its incredible beauty and diversity.

This is not our world, but as one of his many gifts, our Father has chosen to share it with us. Our Creator chose to frame our days with the ever-changing seasons and the kaleidoscope of colors in each sunset and sunrise.

These are reminders of His affection for aesthetics and variety, as well as for predictability and change. In addition to all that God has created and placed before us, He has bestowed glory and honor upon us, His human children. Even with all of our differences, we are all made in His image. We represent His heavenly likeness.

Each individual and every nation are dear to Him. The LORD owns the entire universe, yet in His magnificence, He chooses to know each of us intimately.

My friend, this is grace upon grace from the LORD, who loves each of us with an unending love and supports a universe that is beyond our ability to comprehend.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, You own the universe. You sustain it with Your mighty word. All of creation is evidence of your magnificent strength and creative expertise. As the all-powerful God, I humbly beseech You to be my Abba Father who welcomes me into your presence. Thank You for utilizing your grandeur and might to bless us and provide us with such a beautiful world to live in. In the name of Jesus, I pray and praise You. Amen.

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