And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. — Colossians 2:15 KJV
And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. — Colossians 2:15 NIV
Because the practice of crucifixion was so abhorrent, so devoid of humanity, and so filthy, the word “crucify” was not acceptable for use in polite conversation in Greek culture. Crucifixion was a kind of capital punishment that was designated for the lowest members of society who posed a danger to the ruling authority.
Jesus was subjected to this gruesome execution. But Jesus changed what Satan had planned for the disgrace of God into the humiliation of Satan and his demonic angels instead. He converted them into a show for the general audience. He transformed their instrument of torment and shame into a shrine to their triumph. He turned the bloody rage of hell into a sacrifice of forgiveness for all those who had sinned against him.
He transformed the capacity of evil to do harm into a source of healing for the world. While we are saddened by the incomprehensible suffering and humiliation that Jesus went through for us on the cross, we are also overjoyed by the fact that the evil one and all of his hordes of hatred have been vanquished. Their apparent victory ends up being a loss for them in the end. What was meant to be God’s greatest source of humiliation instead becomes his greatest source of grace, which frees us from Satan’s hold on us
My Prayer
There are no words that can ever adequately express my gratitude to you, holy and just Father, for the plan you devised, the sacrifice you made, and the salvation you provided.
Dear Jesus, no hymn of praise, no poem written from the heart, and no letter of love could ever reflect the gratitude that I have for the selfless and self-sacrificial act that you performed. I am grateful that you rescued me from the clutches of sin, death, and a life devoid of purpose. I want to express my gratitude and praise to you, dear Father, and to you, Lord Jesus, by giving you the gift of my life. Amen.