1 Thessalonians 3:12 KJV

Bible verse of the day for October 22 2022 KJV

And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you. — 1 Thessalonians 3:12 KJV

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May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. — 1 Thessalonians 3:12 NIV

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Paul kept up his love prayers and intercessions for the Thessalonian brethren, pleading with God the Father and Jesus to guide and rule them.

May we emulate Paul and never forget to lift up our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in unceasing, loving prayer and heartfelt intercessions, asking that their hearts would be established in the Lord and blameless before Him, that they would walk in holiness before our God and Father, and that they would encourage one another as they wait for the daily return of their great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

My Prayer

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the Bible. I’m grateful for the truths they hold and the life lessons they can teach me. Help me to overflow in love for my Christian brothers and sisters and lead me into all truth. Help me to be persistent in my prayers, steadfast in my faith, and obedient in making supplications for the entire Body of Christ. May I always have trust in the Lord and wait for His soon-to-come coming to take us to be with Him. In Jesus name. Amen.

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