And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. — 1 John 2:17 KJV
The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. — 1 John 2:17 NIV
Thought and Reflection
Much of what we do is just a passing thought. When we have it, we need to make an effort to keep it in mind because we are aware that it is likely to disappear. God has assured that like He is immortal and eternal as well as those who seek to be in a friendship with Him, and commit to follow His instructions.Â
Let’s sit and examine the way we spend our time, funds, and our efforts and consider if what we’re doing is something we should be pursuing. We should also ask ourselves one crucial inquiry: “Even if it is worthwhile but is it going to last enough time to be a positive impact?”
My Prayer
Lord God, please grant me the strength to be open about the goals I have set in my life. I would like it to be counted to benefit Your cause. I’d like to contribute to the cause of positive change. A portion of this desire, as I admit is selfish.Â
Dear Father, I really do desire to live a life that is good for others and brings You respect. I don’t want to spend my time searching for things that will not last and aren’t worth my time. I ask You to give me the spiritual guidance to pursue Your desires and live a life more than following the shadow values of my society. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.