What does Ecclesiastes 9:18 mean?

Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good. — Ecclesiastes 9:18 KJV

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Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroyeth much good. — Ecclesiastes 9:18 ASV

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Wisdom is more valuable than physical power, while a single act of sin can cause extensive harm. This verse highlights the importance of seeking God’s wisdom to prevent conflicts and make wise decisions. It also serves as a reminder of the destructive potential of sin, urging believers to pursue righteous living. For Christians, Jesus Christ is the embodiment of God’s wisdom, providing guidance and redemption from sin. We should live a life that honors God and contributes positively to the world.

My Prayer

Lord, I acknowledge the destructive power of sin and ask for Your strength to resist temptation. Please forgive me for the times I have allowed sin to disrupt the good You intended. Cleanse my heart and help me to walk in righteousness.

Thank You for Jesus, who is the embodiment of Your wisdom and the source of my redemption. May His teachings and example guide my steps, and may His sacrifice remind me of the power of grace and forgiveness.

Help me to live in a way that honors You and promotes good in the world around me. Use me as an instrument of Your peace, and let my life reflect Your love and wisdom.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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