Romans 8:28 – Today’s Verse for August 22, 2024 Thursday

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28 KJV

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And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 NASB

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Think about that for a second — “in all things.” Not just in the moments when life is smooth and easy, but in ALL things. That means the hard times, the confusing seasons, and even the downright painful moments we can’t make sense of. It’s kind of wild when you stop and realize that God is taking all the messy, broken pieces of our lives and weaving them into something good. It doesn’t mean every moment will feel good, but there’s this underlying promise that God isn’t wasting any of it.

It reminds me of when you’re cooking something and the individual ingredients might taste weird on their own — like flour or baking powder — but when they’re mixed together and baked, you end up with something delicious. Our lives can be a lot like that. Sometimes we get stuck tasting the “flour moments” and think, “This can’t be good.” But God’s not done yet. He’s still working, still mixing, still creating something beautiful out of our story.

But here’s the thing: this promise isn’t just some blanket statement that everything will magically turn out perfectly. It’s for those who love God and are living according to His purpose. It’s about trust and relationship. God’s definition of “good” might look different from ours. We might be hoping for immediate relief or a solution, while God is aiming for something deeper—maybe building our character, strengthening our faith, or using our lives to touch someone else’s.

In a way, this verse challenges us to see life through a different lens. It’s not just about surviving the tough times, but about trusting that God is doing something beyond what we can see. It invites us to step back and say, “Okay, God, I don’t get it, but I trust that You’re in control. Help me to hang on and see the bigger picture.”

So, when life throws us curveballs, when we face disappointments or heartbreak, we can hold on to this promise. God is working, even when we can’t see it, and somehow, in ways that only He can, He’s turning it into something good.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, sometimes life feels so overwhelming, and honestly, I struggle to see the good in the mess. I know Your Word says You’re working everything out for my good, but there are moments when I’m just not sure how. Help me to trust You, even when I can’t see what You’re doing. Remind me that You’re in control and that You’re taking all these broken pieces and creating something beautiful.

Give me patience, Lord, when I’m tempted to rush ahead or question Your timing. Help me to believe that You are with me in the middle of it all, even when I feel lost. And please, God, show me glimpses of Your goodness along the way. Open my eyes to see how You’re at work, even in the small things.

Most of all, give me the faith to hold on to this promise in this verse—that You’re working all things for my good because I love You and You have a purpose for my life. Let this truth sink deep into my heart and carry me through whatever comes my way.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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