Romans 8:18 – Today’s Verse for September 7, 2024 Saturday

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
Romans 8:18 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Picture this: You’re having the worst day ever. You wake up late, spill coffee on your shirt, hit traffic, and then your boss sends you that passive-aggressive email. Oh, and let’s not forget that you’re still feeling guilty about skipping your morning prayer time because you hit the snooze button five times. Five. We’ve all been there, right? But then here comes Paul, like a coach with a clipboard, reminding you that all this stuff you’re going through—these “sufferings of the present time”—are nothing compared to what’s coming.

And it’s not just your bad Monday he’s talking about. Paul means everything: the deep pain, the heartache, the loss, the confusion, and all the struggles that come with being human. He’s like, “Yes, it’s hard now, but trust me, there’s a glory coming that’s going to blow your mind.” It’s a pretty bold statement, considering how heavy life can get sometimes. But that’s Paul’s thing—he’s a bold guy.

I mean, let’s face it: we often get so caught up in our immediate suffering that the idea of future glory feels distant, almost like a fairy tale. Sometimes we want God to just fix things now. We think, “Okay, God, I get it, there’s glory ahead, but can we fast-forward to that part, please?” But life doesn’t work that way. God’s not a Netflix show we can binge-watch. We’re in this for the long haul, and Paul is reminding us that the road ahead might be rough, but the destination? Oh, it’s going to be glorious—literally.

Paul’s perspective here is like a zoomed-out view of life. We tend to focus on the moment—on the traffic jam, the argument, the disappointment. But Paul’s saying, “No, no, no. Back up. Look at the bigger picture.” It’s like when you’re building a house. In the middle of construction, it’s a mess. There’s sawdust, half-painted walls, and you might step on a nail if you’re not careful. But when it’s done? Oh, when it’s done, it’s beautiful. And you don’t think about the mess you waded through to get there—you’re just glad you stuck with it. That’s what Paul’s getting at: stick with it.

Now, here’s the kicker: that glory Paul’s talking about? It’s not just a nice sunset or a new car or even relief from our current suffering. No, it’s bigger than that. It’s like trying to explain the internet to someone in the 1800s—words fall short. This glory is God’s presence, His kingdom in full bloom, where everything broken is restored, and all our struggles become part of the story that leads us there. It’s the ultimate happy ending.

And maybe we need this reminder because, let’s be honest, life often feels like the “before” picture in a makeover show. We’re walking around in the “before,” with all our dents and scratches, just trying to make it to the “after.” But Romans 8:18 is that promise: the “after” is coming, and it’s going to be incredible.

So, next time you’re knee-deep in one of those ugh moments, remember Paul’s words. Yeah, life is tough, but what’s ahead? You wouldn’t trade the tiniest slice of that glory for anything you’ve been through. Just imagine yourself on the other side of it all, looking back and saying, “Wow, totally worth it.”

Personal Prayer

Lord, sometimes life feels heavy, and it’s hard to see past the pain or frustration I’m facing right now. But I know You’ve promised something so much greater than what I’m going through. Help me to hold onto that hope. Give me the patience and strength to keep trusting You, even when things are tough. I believe that the best is still to come, so please help me stay focused on the bigger picture, knowing that Your glory will outshine all of this. Amen.

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