Romans 15:2 – Today’s Verse for September 9, 2024 Monday

“Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.”
Romans 15:2 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Think about how often our world encourages us to focus on ourselves—our success, our happiness, our comfort. But this verse flips that script entirely. It reminds us that we’re not here just for our own benefit. We’re part of a bigger story, and part of that story is building each other up. It’s about the people in your life, whether they’re close friends or someone you barely know, and asking, “How can I make their journey a little lighter? How can I help them grow?”

It’s not always easy, though. Sometimes building someone up requires sacrifice. Maybe you give your time when you’re exhausted, or offer encouragement when you feel discouraged yourself. Yet, in these moments of selflessness, we’re reflecting the love of Christ, who didn’t seek to please Himself but gave everything for us.

I think the beauty of this verse lies in its quiet strength. It’s not asking for grand gestures but small, consistent acts of love and encouragement that add up over time. When we live this out, we’re weaving threads of grace into the lives around us, and in doing so, we find ourselves built up as well.

In a way, this verse asks us to be co-builders of the kingdom, one kind word, one thoughtful action at a time.

Personal Prayer

Lord, sometimes I get caught up in my own struggles and forget to offer encouragement to others. Show me how to be present, how to listen, and how to offer strength when it’s needed most. Fill me with Your grace so that I can reflect it in my relationships—whether through words, actions, or simply being there for someone.

I ask for wisdom and patience, knowing that building others up often requires humility and sacrifice. Give me the courage to put others first, and the faith to trust that in doing so, I am becoming more like You.

May I live each day with the purpose of strengthening those around me, always seeking to reflect Your love and kindness. Thank You for the opportunity to be part of something greater than myself.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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