Proverbs 21:29

Proverbs 21:29 KJV and NIV

A wicked man hardeneth his face: but as for the upright, he directeth his way. — Proverbs 21:29 KJV

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The wicked put up a bold front,    but the upright give thought to their ways. — Proverbs 21:29 NIV

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Bible Verse Reflection

When we have a sense of wickedness within our hearts there are a myriad of “fronts” we have to maintain so that people don’t discover our true nature. If we want to be a good person, then we are seeking to be righteous and we’ll meet this goal by being honest. 

When we make a mistake then we’ll admit it and ask for forgiveness, and learn by our errors. We’ll not try to put on an appearance. We are aware that, although we’re not perfect, God is not through the process of transforming us.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many times you’ve granted me forgiveness. I am sorry for the instances when I’ve tried to conceal my sin from the world or from You. Teach me to lead an honest, upright lifestyle and bring glory to You through my actions and what I say and the way I treat people. 

Thank you for Your grace, increasing each day. I pray this in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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