Philippians 3:17 – Today’s Verse for September 5, 2024 Thursday

“Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.”
Philippians 3:17 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

It’s funny how Paul’s like, “I’m not saying I’ve already reached perfection,” but then turns around and says, “Follow me.” It’s the ultimate “Do as I say, not as I’ve done… but also maybe do as I’m doing right now?” vibe. It’s like when someone hands you a messy recipe they’ve “perfected” after burning a few batches themselves.

The coolest part, though, is how Paul’s humility shines here. He knows he’s not perfect, but he’s committed to following Christ as closely as he can, so he’s offering himself up as a living example. It’s like he’s running in front of us in a marathon, turning his head back, saying, “Hey, watch out for that pothole at mile 10!” I mean, who doesn’t appreciate a heads-up?

And let’s be real, we all need role models who are a little further down the road. You can read all the inspirational quotes in the world, but nothing beats seeing someone live it out in real-time. It’s almost like Paul’s telling us, “Find your people—the ones who are out here struggling, growing, and doing their best to stay on course. Stick with them.”

So, Paul’s not bragging. He’s inviting. He’s saying, “Join me in this messy, beautiful, Christ-centered pursuit of life.” It’s like a spiritual group project, but without the annoying person who does none of the work.

Personal Prayer

Lord, thank You for the example of Paul and his boldness in following You. Help me to walk in faith with the same humility and courage, knowing I don’t have it all figured out, but trusting You to guide my steps. Surround me with people who are walking closely with You, and give me the wisdom to follow their example. And Lord, help me to be a light for others, even in my imperfections, so that together we can keep pressing forward toward You. Amen.

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