Isaiah 2:22 – Today’s Verse for August 15, 2024 Thursday

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? — Isaiah 2:22 KJV

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Take no account of man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed? — Isaiah 2:22 NASB

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How many times have we let our faith be shaken because of the actions of others? We invest our trust in leaders, friends, or even spiritual mentors, and when they fail (because they inevitably will), it can feel like the ground beneath us crumbles. It’s like we’ve pinned our hope on something temporary, something as fleeting as the air in our lungs.

Our trust doesn’t belong in man. It belongs in God, the eternal, the unshakable. We should re-examine who or what we’re putting our faith in. Humans? We’re dust, fragile, bound by time. But God? God is steadfast, unchanging, and completely reliable.

This passage isn’t telling us to shut people out or stop building relationships. Instead, it’s calling us to shift our focus. People will always have limitations, but God doesn’t. There’s no failure, no disappointment in Him. And that’s the truth we need to anchor ourselves in especially when we’re let down.

Mark this: It’s okay to respect people, to admire their qualities. But let’s not forget that the ultimate trust, the kind that sustains us through anything, belongs to God. He’s the only one who can truly hold us up.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, when I get caught up in the noise of voices around me, trying to find validation or security in others, remind me to pause and look to You instead. People will come and go, they’ll lift me up or let me down, but You, Lord—You are my rock, my foundation. In You, I find what no human can offer—unfailing love, boundless grace, and an anchor that holds no matter what storm is raging.

So today, I let go of misplaced trust, and I ask for Your help to fix my eyes on You. Keep me grounded in Your truth, Lord. You are my everything, and with You, I have all I need. Amen.

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