What is an Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a type of prayer where a person prays on behalf of others, asking God to intervene in their lives and meet their needs. In essence, an intercessory prayer is a prayer for someone else. It is a powerful way for Christians to show love and care for others and to bring their needs before God.

Intercessory prayer is rooted in the Bible. In the Old Testament, there are numerous examples of individuals who prayed on behalf of others, including Moses, Abraham, and Samuel. In the New Testament, Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate intercessor, who intercedes for us before the Father (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25).

Intercessory prayer can take many forms. It can be a prayer for a specific person, such as a friend or family member who is going through a difficult time. It can also be a prayer for a group of people, such as those affected by a natural disaster or a global crisis. Intercessory prayer can also be a prayer for the world, asking God to bring peace, healing, and justice to all nations.

Benefits of Intercession…

The benefits of intercessory prayer are numerous. It allows us to express love and compassion for others, to connect with God in a deeper way, and to participate in God’s work of bringing healing and transformation to the world. Intercessory prayer can also be a source of comfort and encouragement for those who are going through difficult times, knowing that others are praying for them.

How to Pray an Intercessory Prayer…

To pray an intercessory prayer, it’s important to first identify the person or group of people that you want to pray for. Be specific in your prayer, asking God to meet their specific needs and to bring healing, comfort, and provision. Use scripture as a guide, finding verses that relate to your situation and declaring them in your prayer.

Example of an Intercessory Prayer…

Here is an example of an intercessory prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I come to you in prayer, lifting up [name of person or group] before you. I ask that you would intervene in their lives and meet their needs.

Lord, I pray for [specific requests such as healing, provision, guidance, protection, or comfort]. I ask that you would bring healing to their bodies, provide for their financial needs, guide them in their decisions, protect them from harm, and comfort them in their sorrow.

I declare your promises over their lives, knowing that your word is true and that you are faithful to fulfill your promises. I ask that you would give them strength and courage to face their challenges, and that you would pour out your grace and mercy upon them.

Lord, I pray that your peace, love, and joy would fill their hearts, and that they would experience the fullness of your presence in their lives. May they know that they are loved and cherished by you, and may they be a witness of your love to others.

I thank you for hearing my prayer and for your faithfulness to answer it. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.”


Intercessory prayer is a powerful way for Christians to show love and care for others and to bring their needs before God. It is rooted in the Bible and has numerous benefits, including connecting us with God, participating in His work, and providing comfort and encouragement to others. By praying for others, we can make a positive impact in the world and demonstrate God’s love to those around us.