How Faith in God Changes You and Opens Window for Good

Prayer and Faith in God Working Together

When you believe, prayer works. Faith comes when you read the Bible. The faith you get from reading the Word of God and feeding it will lead to your ability to pray those weak, whining prayers that are not of God. When you believe differently, your praying will be different.

God isn’t running out of power. This is one of the things you will discover as you spend your time learning about Him through His Bible. While God isn’t running out of power, some people are losing faith.

What was the reason Jesus didn’t perform many miracles in His hometown? Matthew 13:58 states that Jesus didn’t perform many miracles in His hometown because of their unbelief. He doesn’t have a time limit. God isn’t bound by lack. He doesn’t limit our ability to do good things in our lives because of sickness, education, skin color, or age.

Faith in God

Faith Obstacles

Unbelief and sin are the only two things that can limit God. Sin in your life can hinder God’s ability to move and work in your situation. Unbelief in your heart can also hinder God’s work. People live as though there is no All-Powerful, Almighty God in Heaven because of sin and unbelief.

Isn’t unbelief what kept the Israeli children from the Promised Land. Hebrews 3:19 states that they couldn’t enter because of unbelief.

Faith quotes - Hebrews 3:19

They were not guilty of any sin. Their unbelief. They fell away from God and began to sin. Today, many people live like this. It’s like they are lost in the wilderness and surrounded by hostile forces.

Your faith, like the children of Israel, shapes the world in which you live. Jesus was referring to the ability to remove mountains through faith (Mark 11:23). Jesus referred to the idea of trees being pulled out by their roots and then replanted with faith (Luke 17:6). This is what Jesus was proving by speaking to the useless fig overtaking the ground, and it withered right on the spot. (Matthew 21:20-21).

God has given you faith from Heaven to help you arrange your life on Earth. He gave His Word to you so that you could know His will. Then He gave faith to you so that you can carry His will into your everyday life.

Jesus taught us to get rid of the mountain of sinful and evil habits. You must remove the tree obstructing your path and place it in the right place in your own life. He tells you to talk to the situation that doesn’t get better and let God’s power handle it!

This is what you should be listening to. Jesus said, “Ye shall receive power Acts 1:8).” God wants us to be the sons or daughters of God on earth.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to renew us by the Word and grace of God. Romans 12:2 explains why. As we gain spiritual understanding, we can learn to let go of our faith.

Faith quotes on Romans 12:2

God is not a respecter of persons. This means He isn’t partial or doesn’t favor anyone (Acts 10:34). You can have the same access as Peter, Paul, or your favorite minister on radio or TV.

Romans 5:1-2 explains faith and access to God.

Romans 5:1-2

It is why I push so hard to encourage people to read God’s Word and to be filled with faith, then to act on that faith. People have discovered that God doesn’t care about their past failures or age if they believe in God’s Word and act on it.

The Word of God transforms you literally from the self-centeredness you have in your life to the God-centered self you can be (Rom. 12:2, 2 Corinthians. 3:8). A little shepherd boy became a giant killer because of his faith in God. David, the shepherd boy, became king through faith in God. Judges 5:7 reveals that faith in God transformed a housewife and a mother in Israel to become a prophetess, leader, and mother. Acts 9 shows how a murderous Saul, the persecutor against Christians, transformed into Paul the Apostle to God. God’s power can transform your life! The only limit is your ability to act.

Your faith in God is the only limit to your life. If you don’t like the information you are receiving, you can get in touch with God to change your beliefs. You can transform your faith from one that is uncertain and weak to one that is confident and strong and give glory to God.

God said in Isaiah 55:11 that “My word…shall never return to me void but it shall accomplish what I desire, and it will prosper …” God’s Word accomplishes great things wherever it is sent or applied! You need to discover what God has to say about your spiritual life and then apply his Word.

Isaiah 55:11

Therefore, it’s important to discover what God has to say about your family and relationships and then apply or send His Word into these situations. Some Christians experienced a major shift in their lives when they learned what God had to say about spiritual riches. They applied His Word to live, obeyed His call to ministry, and He has provided every need.

Spending time in God’s presence slowly makes you realize that you have the basic brain cells, nerves, heart, and spirit of everyone else.

Faith in God is what makes a difference in life. It allows people to let go of His power through their brain cells, muscles, nerves, heart, and spirit. Faith in God is what propels people to victory.

Many people are afraid to believe in God, so they need to be encouraged and pushed. God sent me to help people who need extra encouragement or care.

Your life has been shaped by what you believe. What are you believing? Are you a failure in your life? Are you inferior to others? You’re doomed for poverty. These negative beliefs can shorten your faith and cause you to act, talk and feel against God.

Grab your Bible and eat Heaven’s food. God is not “variable.” He has never changed from His role as the Giver of every perfect and good gift. James 1:17 explains this.

It is essential to know God well enough to read His books more than any other. These good works of God should be a source of nourishment for your spirit each day. Consider the promises of God and the self-fulfilling prophecies He has given us in His Word.

This will help you shape your thinking. God’s blessings will flow from your inner life to the outer world if you act and speak according to what you have read in the Word.


  1. Spend 10 minuted asking to see what you can do differently in your job, church, school, and family. GIVE THESE 10 MINUTES TO GOD. TELL HIM THAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO HIS BEST IN YOU.
  1. Enhance your knowledge of God and His spiritual laws and commands. READ BOTH THE OLD AND NEW TESTS. The NEW TEST. This will give you a working knowledge of how the PRINCIPLES of FAITH WORK.
  1. Read useful edifying books and articles. If it doesn’t strengthen you, throw it out. ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO DO THE SAME. NEGATIVE CONVERSATIONS and CRITICAL PEOPLE ARE NOT TO BE AFFECTED. “Therefore, come out of among them, and be separate, saith The Lord; and touch not unclean things; and I shall receive you (2 Cor. 6:17)

Trust God! He will save and forgave you. Let Him transform your life by His Word and His faith.

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