Bible Verse Reflection
When our vertical relationship is right with God, we discover that our horizontal relationship with parents and with others is also right – and vice versa.
By God’s perfect design we were placed in families. May we honour the father and mother who brought us into this world and those that influenced us in our lives for good. May we strive to walk in spirit and truth all the days of our life – and ensure that every day is lived in right relationship with our Heavenly Father – Who loves us so much that He sent His dearly loved Son to die on the Cross so that we might live in Him – by faith.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for my parents and for giving me life. Thank You for the lessons I have learned and the good times we have shared together. Forgive me for the times when I have not honoured my father and mother as I ought – for I am aware that this is dishonouring to You. From this day forward, I pray that I may honour You in all my interactions with my family and friends, and may my life be honouring to You. This I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen.