Ecclesiastes 7:10 – Today’s Verse for September 26, 2024 Thursday

“Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.”
— Ecclesiastes 7:10 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Nostalgia. That warm, fuzzy feeling that makes us look back on the “good old days” and think, “Man, wasn’t everything just better back then?” Simpler times, fewer worries, less TikTok, right? I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of the past, where you think you had your life together, you didn’t need GPS to get anywhere, and summers felt like they lasted forever? But Ecclesiastes, ever the party pooper, swoops in to say, “Hey, stop it. That line of thinking? It’s not exactly wise.”

Let’s be real for a second. We all do this. We glorify the past because the present can be, well… kind of a mess sometimes. But Ecclesiastes has a point here. It’s not that the old days were better, it’s that our memories are just really good at being selective. Like, our brains are out here photoshopping the past to make it look more Instagram-worthy than it actually was. The “good old days” probably weren’t as flawless as we remember. Remember dial-up internet? Yeah, let’s not go back there.

The writer of Ecclesiastes is giving us a reminder to stay grounded in the now. God didn’t put us in 2024 by accident. He didn’t misplace us, like a celestial filing error where you were supposed to be born in 1960 but—oops—here you are, navigating Wi-Fi passwords and cryptocurrency. No, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. And the present, as messy and chaotic as it is, is where God is working with you, through you, and for you.

Sure, things change, and not always in ways we like. But constantly comparing now to some rose-tinted version of the past keeps us stuck. It’s like trying to drive a car while staring in the rearview mirror—dangerous and unproductive (plus, you’d probably crash). God wants us to look ahead, to trust Him with what’s coming, not to get stuck daydreaming about what’s behind.

So, instead of lamenting about how great things “used to be,” maybe we should embrace the here and now with all its quirks. After all, God is already in the future, and spoiler alert: He’s still good, even there.

Personal Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for every season of my life—past, present, and future. I admit, sometimes I get caught up in nostalgia, wishing for the “good old days” and wondering why things can’t be like they used to. But I know that You have placed me here, in this moment, for a purpose. Help me to let go of my longing for the past and instead embrace the now with faith and trust in You.

Open my eyes to see the beauty in today, even when things feel uncertain or difficult. Teach me to appreciate the blessings You have given me in this time, and to walk forward with hope, knowing that You hold my future in Your hands.

Help me to remember that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Your plans for me are always good. Give me the wisdom to focus on what You are doing in my life right now, and the courage to trust You with what’s ahead.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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