Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. — Colossians 3:2 KJV
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. — Colossians 3:2 NIV
Bible Verse Reflection
We have been raised to a new existence in Christ and, through God’s grace, we have been dressed in Christ’s righteousness, granted the eternal life, have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, gained a divine inheritance and been placed alongside Christ in heaven. We are commanded to fix our hearts and our mind on the realities of heaven and in which Christ is seated in the place of honor at God’s hand. The most amazing thing is that since we are in Christ because of being a believer in Him and His resurrection, we are also placed in heaven, because we are Christ.
It is because of this that we are required to remain focused to things that are higher and to not be influenced by things that happen on earth. We are to live a life trusting in Jesus instead of relying on our own capabilities. We must find our worthiness in Christ and know that in this world, we may face hardship, however, Christ has conquered the world, and we now have an incredible inheritance, a glorious one that will never die and never fade away, the inheritance will be kept in heaven specially for you.
My Prayer
Dear Father help me keep my heart fixed on Jesus and the amazing eternal inheritance You have given me and for all who have believed in You as Savior, in Jesus name, I pray Amen.