California Christian Homeless Ministry Receives $200K Grant from Chick-fil-A

In a heartwarming development for the homeless community in California, the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM) has been awarded a generous $200,000 grant from Chick-fil-A, a fast-food giant known for its commitment to community service. This funding will significantly bolster the operating expenses of the ministry’s Double R Ranch, a unique program designed to aid homeless individuals through hands-on ranching experiences.

OCRM President Bryan Crain expressed immense gratitude for the recognition, stating, "We are honored to be chosen from among so many other nonprofits who serve their communities, as well as extremely grateful." This grant is a vital lifeline for OCRM, which operates entirely on private funding, relying on the generosity of individual donors, private foundations, and churches to support its mission.

The opportunity to apply for the Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards came through a local restaurant operator managing Chick-fil-A locations in Irvine and Newport Beach. Crain explained how the award process works: "Once the CFA Foundation selects organizations from the restaurant nominees, we are then voted on by customers within a region." Thanks to robust community support and outreach from local Chick-fil-A restaurants, OCRM received the most votes in the western region, securing this much-needed funding.

The Double R Ranch is more than just a facility; it’s a sanctuary where homeless individuals can reconnect with nature and learn essential life skills. The program offers participants the chance to engage in outdoor activities, care for various animals, and cultivate the land. Crain elaborated on the ranch’s mission, saying, "By caring for the land and animals, homeless individuals will experience the healing effects of ranching and hard work outdoors, removed from societal pressures and temptations that once had a hold over them."

In addition to local Chick-fil-A restaurants promoting OCRM, the Angels Baseball Foundation played a pivotal role in spreading the word. They encouraged fans at every Los Angeles Angels home game in September to vote for the Rescue Mission, showcasing the power of community engagement in making a difference.

Founded in 1963, the Orange County Rescue Mission has a long-standing commitment to serving homeless families and individuals with the love of Jesus Christ. Crain emphasized the organization’s holistic approach, stating, "For a rescue to be successful, it needs to be multi-faceted and point to the ultimate rescuer — Jesus Christ." The mission aims to help each individual realize their inherent value and to teach them to center their lives on faith rather than their past struggles.

As OCRM continues to provide support and hope to those experiencing homelessness, the impact of their work resonates far beyond the immediate assistance they offer. By fostering an environment of healing and restoration, they encourage individuals to overcome their challenges and build a brighter future grounded in faith.

For more information about the Orange County Rescue Mission and their initiatives, visit their official website at Orange County Rescue Mission. To learn more about the Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards, explore their program details at Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards.

This partnership between a beloved fast-food chain and a dedicated nonprofit exemplifies the spirit of community service and the profound impact that faith-based organizations can have on the lives of those in need. As OCRM continues its mission, it serves as a reminder that hope and healing are possible through compassion, hard work, and unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.