25 Best Bible-Themed Pick-Up Lines

In the world of dating, sometimes we need a little help to make that first impression. If you’re looking to blend faith and flirtation, these Bible-themed pick-up lines are sure to catch the attention of someone special who shares your beliefs.

1. Noah’s Ark Inspired

“Are you Noah? Because you’re about to meet your perfect match.”

2. Proverbs 31 Woman

“I’ve been reading Proverbs 31, and I’m pretty sure it was describing you.”

3. Solomon’s Wisdom

“You must be the wisdom Solomon asked for, because meeting you just made me the richest man.”

4. Creation Beauty

“When God made you, He was showing off the best of His creation.”

5. Exodus Journey

“Is your name Exodus? Because I can’t imagine my life without you journeying with me.”

6. Ruth and Boaz

“I’m not as wealthy as Boaz, but I am looking for my Ruth.”

7. Samson’s Strength

“Are you Samson? Because your presence has brought down all my walls.”

8. David’s Courage

“Just like David in front of Goliath, I found my courage the moment I saw you.”

9. Song of Solomon Charm

“The Song of Solomon doesn’t do justice to your beauty.”

10. Moses’ Red Sea

“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because when you walked in, it’s like the Red Sea parted.”

Using these pick-up lines can add a touch of humor and spirituality to your romantic pursuits. Remember, the best connections are those built on shared values and mutual respect. Happy dating!

11. Genesis Creation

“Was it just by chance we met, or was it Genesis 2:18 – ‘It’s not good for man to be alone’?”

12. Joshua’s Sun Stand Still

“Are you the sun? Because my world stopped moving the moment I saw you.”

13. Jericho’s Walls

“Is your name Jericho? Because I feel like I’ve been walking around your walls hoping they’ll fall for me.”

14. Isaiah’s Comfort

“Isaiah 40:31 says those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. I think I just found my hope.”

15. Joseph’s Dreams

“I’m no Joseph, but I think God is telling me you’re part of His plan for me.”

16. Esther’s Favor

“Did you just win a beauty contest in Persia? Because you’ve got favor like Queen Esther.”

17. Peter’s Faith

“Do you have a little bit of Peter in you? Because when I’m with you, I feel like I could walk on water.”

18. Abraham’s Promise

“I might not have as many descendants as Abraham, but I’d love to start with you.”

19. John the Baptist

“Are you John the Baptist? Because you just made my heart leap with joy.”

20. Burning Bush

“Was that a burning bush, or am I just feeling God’s call to ask you out?”

21. Gideon’s Army

“Are you part of Gideon’s army? Because you just blew my mind with a trumpet.”

22. Elijah’s Fire

“Are you Elijah? Because you’ve just called down fire in my heart.”

23. Daniel’s Lions

“I may not face a den of lions, but I’d brave anything to win your heart.”

24. Jonah’s Journey

“I might not be swallowed by a great fish, but I’d go to great depths to be with you.”

25. Paul’s Conversion

“Was your name Saul? Because meeting you has been a road to Damascus experience for me.”

These lines combine humor, faith, and a dash of biblical knowledge, making them perfect for someone looking to charm a fellow believer. Remember, a great pick-up line is just the beginning of a meaningful conversation!

25 Pick Up Lines from the Bible