Amos 5:14 – Today’s Verse for August 11, 2024 Sunday

Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. — Amos 5:14 KJV

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Seek good and not evil, so that you may live; And so may the Lord God of armies be with you, just as you have said! — Amos 5:14 NASB

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There was a young boy named Caleb who lived in a small village. Caleb loved to explore the woods behind his house, and every day he faced a choice: to take the well-worn path that led to beautiful fields and clear streams or to venture down a darker, thorny trail that seemed mysterious but dangerous. Caleb’s father often reminded him, “Choose the good path, my son. It’s the one that leads to life and joy.”

One day, tempted by curiosity, Caleb decided to take the thorny trail. It wasn’t long before he realized his mistake. The thorns scratched his skin, and the path became harder to walk. Caleb wished he had listened to his father and chosen the good path.

God is like Caleb’s father, urging us to choose the good path in life. We should seek what is good and avoid what is harmful or wrong. It’s like standing at a crossroads every day, where we have to decide which way to go. Sometimes, the wrong path might look more exciting or easier at first, but it often leads to pain, trouble, and regret—just like the thorny trail Caleb took.

But what does it mean to “seek good”? It means choosing kindness over cruelty, honesty over lies, and love over hate. It means making decisions that reflect God’s goodness in our lives. When we do this, we not only find peace and happiness, but we also invite God to walk with us on our journey.

God promises that when we seek good, He will be with us. Just as Caleb’s father would have been proud and supportive if Caleb had chosen the right path, God is close to us when we make good choices. He gives us strength, comfort, and guidance along the way.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for this day and for all the blessings You’ve given me. Please guide my thoughts, words, and actions today. Help me to choose what is good and to love others as You love me.

When I feel uncertain or afraid, remind me that You are always with me. Give me strength to face challenges and peace to trust in Your plan for my life. I place my worries and hopes in Your hands, knowing that You care for me deeply.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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