Proverbs 16:28

Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 16:28 KJV

A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. — Proverbs 16:28 KJV

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Bible Verse Reflection

Scripture is full of encouragements for a righteous lifestyle and gracious speech. Believers are called upon to have godly attitudes and to acknowledge the Lord in all of their ways. To ask God for understanding, to have a heart that is open to Him, to be moral, to produce spiritual fruit in His sufficiency, and to trust the Lord with all of our hearts. 

Follow this advice to walk in spirit, truth, and honor the Lord.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, there is a lot of people who spread hatred and cause division through gossip and lying or lack integrity and demeaning others. Save me O God from the hands of the wicked, and deliver me from the clutches of perverse people who seek to take over the lives of others. 

I ask for grace and healing words to fill my mouth and to develop a listening and empathic ear. Thank You for all that I do and may Your grace help me to have an understanding heart. I am grateful in Jesus name. Amen.

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