“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.“
— Romans 6:23 KJV
Reflection on Today's Verse
This verse is simple but powerful. It tells us two things: the bad news and the good news.
First, the bad news. Sin leads to death. Not just physical death, but spiritual death—separation from God. It’s like a job where the paycheck is misery. Do wrong, and the result is suffering. That’s the reality of sin. It destroys.
Now, the good news. God offers a gift—eternal life. Not something we earn. Not something we deserve. A gift. Free, because Jesus paid for it. He took our punishment so we could live forever with Him.
We all have a choice. Keep going our own way and face death. Or accept God’s gift and live.
God isn’t forcing anyone. He’s offering love, mercy, and life. No strings attached—just faith in Jesus.
What will you choose?
Personal Prayer
Father God, I see the truth in Your Word. Sin leads to death, and I know I have sinned. I don’t want to be separated from You. I don’t want the weight of my mistakes to pull me down.
But You are good. You offer life, not because I earned it, but because You love me. You sent Jesus to take my place, to give me what I could never deserve—eternal life with You.
Thank You for this gift. Thank You for grace. I accept it, Lord. Help me turn from sin and walk in Your light. Keep my heart soft, my spirit willing, and my eyes on Jesus.
In His name, I pray, Amen.