In a heartwarming story of resilience, faith, and community support, 14-year-old River Clardy is making a remarkable recovery after being critically injured in a tragic shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. Nearly three months post-incident, River’s family attributes his survival to a combination of expert medical care and their unwavering faith in God.
River’s mother, Christina Clardy, shared in a recent interview with WMTV, “River is a kid who is a perseverer. He’s a hard worker.” She emphasized the role of divine intervention in her son’s healing process, stating, “We believe that God is a huge part of his healing through natural means like through the body healing itself and through some things that you know aren’t explainable to us.” River has shown remarkable progress since the shooting that claimed the lives of three individuals and injured several others, including himself.
The tragic event unfolded on December 16, 2024, when a 15-year-old student opened fire at the school, resulting in chaos and heartbreak. Christina, who was teaching at the time, instinctively prioritized the safety of her students before seeking out her own children. “I pretty quickly saw my two daughters and they were questioning me about where their brother was,” she recalled. The frantic moments that followed were a blur of fear and uncertainty as River was discovered among the injured.
Upon receiving the news of River’s condition, his father, Brett Clardy, rushed back from Chicago, while Christina and their daughters hurried to the hospital. Dr. Adam Brinkman, medical director of pediatric trauma care at UW Health’s American Family Children’s Hospital, described River’s condition as dire upon arrival. “He had a breathing tube in. The paramedics and EMTs were breathing for him,” Dr. Brinkman reported. With multiple critical injuries, including a bullet that severed his carotid artery, River was one of the most severely injured patients the hospital had seen in years.
After enduring several surgeries and spending 46 days in the hospital, River has shown incredible progress. He has had to relearn basic skills, such as writing and eating, but his determination has shone through. “All of his nurses, techs, and therapists were rooting for River,” Dr. Brinkman added, highlighting the collective effort of the medical team that cared for him.
Now back home, River’s family is filled with gratitude. Christina expressed the importance of recognizing the good amidst the turmoil, saying, “It’s important to give thanks for the good in our lives. When our circumstances aren’t good, those things, those are things that are good.” Their faith and the support from their community have been crucial during this challenging time.
As River continues his recovery journey, his story serves as a reminder of the power of hope and the strength found in faith. The Clardy family encourages others to remain steadfast in their beliefs, even in the face of adversity. For those interested in learning more about the impact of faith in healing, resources such as the American Association of Christian Counselors provide valuable insights and support.
In the wake of such tragedies, stories like River’s highlight the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of community and faith. As we continue to pray for River and his family, let us also take a moment to appreciate the everyday heroes among us—those who provide care, support, and love in our most challenging times.