2 Corinthians 11:30 – Today’s Verse for February 4, 2025 Tuesday

“If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.”
2 Corinthians 11:30 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Isn’t it strange how Paul flips everything upside down? In a world obsessed with strength, success, and self-sufficiency, he leans hard into weakness. Not just acknowledging it—but boasting in it. That’s not normal.

Paul had every reason to list his achievements, defend his reputation, and prove his worth. Instead, he brags about his struggles. Why? Because in weakness, God’s power shines brightest. When we’re at the end of ourselves—when we have nothing left to give, no strength to stand—that’s when grace does its deepest work.

We often try to hide our weaknesses. We downplay our failures, mask our struggles, and pretend we have it all together. But Paul shows us a better way: embrace them. Not in a self-pitying, woe-is-me way, but in a way that says, Look at what God is doing despite me.

Because here’s the truth: God isn’t impressed with our résumés. He’s not measuring our worth by our accomplishments. He’s looking for hearts that lean on Him, hands that surrender, and lives that point back to His strength.

So maybe today, instead of hiding what makes us weak, we lay it at Jesus’ feet. And maybe, just maybe, we start to see weakness not as something to be ashamed of—but as an open invitation for God to do what only He can.

Personal Prayer

Father, I come before You, not with my strength, but with my weakness. I often try to hide my struggles, to pretend I have it all together—but You see me as I truly am. And still, You love me.

Lord, help me to stop striving to prove myself. Teach me to embrace my weaknesses, not as burdens, but as opportunities for Your power to shine. When I feel unworthy, remind me that Your grace is enough. When I feel inadequate, show me that You are more than sufficient.

I surrender my fears, my failures, my limitations—all of it. Use them for Your glory. Let my life be a testimony, not of what I can do, but of what You can do through me.

Thank You for meeting me in my weakness and filling me with Your strength. I trust You, Lord. Keep my heart humble and my eyes fixed on You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.