Proverbs 17:16 – Today’s Verse for October 12, 2024 Saturday

“Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it?
Proverbs 17:16 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Solomon, with all his legendary wisdom, is pointing out the irony of how fools—people who don’t even value wisdom—might still have the resources to get it. It’s not about the money, though. It’s about mindset. You can have the fanciest Bible, the best study guides, and all the time in the world, but if you’re not ready to listen or learn, it’s like trying to fill a sieve with water.

We’ve all met people like this, haven’t we? Those who seem to have every opportunity at their fingertips but no real desire to grow or change. They talk a big game about seeking wisdom, but it’s really just a performance. They’ve got the tools but no intention of actually using them. And, honestly, that’s a bit tragic… but also kind of funny in a “facepalm” sort of way.

It’s a reminder for all of us. Maybe we’re not “fools” (at least we hope not!), but sometimes we need to ask ourselves if we’re really making the most of what God has given us. Are we investing in wisdom, or are we just buying it to put on the shelf? Because true wisdom isn’t for sale; it’s earned by those willing to humble themselves, open their hearts, and live out what they learn.

So, next time you feel tempted to just skim through life like a Netflix preview, maybe take a moment and think—are you collecting wisdom, or are you just browsing?

Personal Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of Your wisdom, which is more valuable than anything I could ever buy or earn. I come to You, humbly asking for a heart that seeks to truly understand, not just to gather knowledge for the sake of it. Help me not to be like the fool who holds the means but lacks the desire to grow.

Give me the grace to value the wisdom You offer, to listen when You speak, and to apply what I learn in my life. Soften my heart to be teachable, and guide me in using all that You’ve entrusted to me for Your glory. May I never take Your wisdom lightly or ignore the opportunities to grow in understanding.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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