Proverbs 10:6 – Today’s Verse for September 30, 2024 Tuesday

“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.”
— Psalm 138:8 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

What a comforting verse, right? It’s like getting a divine confirmation that God is not going to abandon you halfway through whatever it is He’s doing in your life—He’s committed to finishing what He started.

But let’s be real: sometimes it feels like God’s timeline is on a whole other plane of existence. Ever had that moment when you’re like, “Okay God, I know You have a purpose for me, but… could You maybe drop a hint? Like, just a clue?” It’s like we’re in this cosmic scavenger hunt, except we don’t know what we’re supposed to be looking for or when it ends.

Here’s the thing though—God’s not winging it. The “purpose” mentioned here? It’s not a last-minute decision, like how we decide to binge a new Netflix series when we should be productive. Nope. This is more like a meticulously planned, perfectly-timed masterpiece that’s unfolding whether we’re aware of it or not. God doesn’t work with drafts; He’s already got the final version in mind, even if we feel like we’re stuck on page one.

And then there’s that part about His “steadfast love enduring forever.” Ever tried to grasp that? It’s like trying to wrap your head around the concept of infinity… while also remembering to fold your laundry. God’s love is unshakable, unwavering, like the best kind of friend who’s got your back, no matter how many times you forget their birthday. So, when we feel like everything’s falling apart (which happens to all of us at some point, right?), this verse is a reminder that God’s love is the glue holding it all together.

The kicker is at the end, where the psalmist pleads, “Do not forsake the work of your hands.” It’s like, “Hey God, remember me? You started something here! Don’t leave me unfinished!” But that’s the beauty of it—God isn’t the type to ghost you halfway through the process. He’s invested. If He started shaping your life, He’s going to finish the sculpture, even if sometimes it feels like He’s using a chisel on your soul. Ouch, right? But it’s all part of the masterpiece.

So, if you’re feeling a little lost or like the clay that’s been left on the wheel a bit too long, just know—God’s still working. He’s not done with you yet.

Personal Prayer

Heavenly Father, help me to trust that You have a purpose for me, even when I can’t see it. Remind me that Your steadfast love never runs out, no matter how many times I stumble or doubt.

Lord, sometimes I feel like I’m unfinished, like a work in progress that’s far from complete. But I’m holding onto Your promise that You won’t forsake the work of Your hands. You’re the Master Craftsman, and I know You’ll shape my life into something beautiful in Your perfect timing.

Give me patience when I want answers now, faith when I feel uncertain, and peace in knowing that You will fulfill Your purpose for me. Thank You for loving me so faithfully and for never giving up on me.

In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.

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