“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
— 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV
Reflection on Today's Verse
Think about this verse. It’s like God looked at humanity—messy, flawed, and neck-deep in all kinds of bad decisions—and said, “You know what? I’m gonna fix this myself.”
Jesus, the spotless one, takes on our junk. All of it. Not just the obvious mistakes, but the stuff we’d rather sweep under the rug—the gossip, the jealousy, the Netflix binges when we should’ve been praying (ouch). He doesn’t just carry it; He becomes it. Imagine being the cosmic sin sponge when you’ve done nothing wrong.
And here’s the kicker: in return, we get His righteousness. This isn’t a fair trade; it’s ridiculous! Like swapping your soggy PB&J for someone’s filet mignon. But God doesn’t deal in fairness; He deals in grace. This exchange transforms us—not into slightly better versions of ourselves, but into people who reflect God’s own righteousness.
It’s mind-blowing, isn’t it? We don’t earn it, we don’t deserve it, and yet it’s ours. It’s like walking out of a courtroom, fully guilty, and someone else takes the sentence while you go free. You don’t even have time to argue; you’re too busy being grateful.
So what do we do with this kind of love? It’s simple: live like it’s true. Walk like someone who’s been set free, love like someone who’s been forgiven, and laugh because, honestly, who saw this coming? God did. And He thought we were worth it.
And that, my friend, is grace. Wild, scandalous, beautiful grace.
Personal Prayer
Father God, I come to You in awe of what You’ve done for me. You sent Jesus, the sinless One, to take my place, to carry my shame, my failures, and all the broken pieces I try so hard to hide. I can’t wrap my mind around a love that big, a grace that undeserved, but I’m so grateful for it.
Lord, I confess there are days I forget what this sacrifice means. I try to earn Your love, as if what Jesus already did isn’t enough. But today, I rest in the truth: through Him, I’ve been made righteous. I didn’t deserve it, but You called me worthy anyway.
Help me live out this incredible exchange. Let my life reflect Your grace, my choices honor Your love, and my words speak of the freedom I’ve found in You. When I stumble—and I will—remind me that Jesus already carried the weight of it, and I can rise again because I am forgiven.
Thank You for trading my sin for Your righteousness, my brokenness for Your wholeness, my mess for Your masterpiece. Teach me to walk boldly in this truth, not because of who I am, but because of who You are.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.