Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren. — 1 Timothy 5:1 KJV
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers. — 1 Timothy 5:1 NIV
Thought and Reflection
There is eagerness, passion, enthusiasm, and an unquestionable desire to achieve that be a part of being young insecure, untested and reckless is how those older people could describe it.Â
There’s a certainty associated in aging due to established and tried-and-true methods that have proven themselves over time. Static stable, consistent, and immovable is how those younger people describe it. These distinctions can lead to tension and even conflict, yet each has something to be learned from one another.Â
Whatever the error of an older Christian could be, they ought to be treated with respect that comes from having lived in faith. However, older Christians should also be prepared to accept correction from an older one, particularly when it is done in a prayerful manner by a young Christian who has shown humility as well as love and respect towards older people.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, God of my ancestors as well as the certainty for my future aid me in becoming an honest and trustworthy person especially when I interact with those who aren’t from my own age.Â
Let me be considerate and be careful in my speech when I interact with people with a higher age. Will I be flexible and willing to make changes when I am confronted by my mistakes by younger people. In the end, Father, lead those in my life who be able to forgive me for my mistakes, and also be able to make them clear to me, and aid me in my growth. In Jesus Name, I ask. Amen.
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