1 Thessalonians 1:3 – Today’s Verse for September 28, 2024 Saturday

“Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.”
— 1 Thessalonians 1:3 KJV

Reflection on Today's Verse

Ever notice how some days faith feels like you’re walking on water, and other days it’s like you’re trudging through molasses? Yeah, it’s exhausting. And Paul gets it—he’s not sugar-coating this. Faith takes “work.” It’s about doing the daily grind even when it doesn’t feel epic. It’s those little steps that look boring, but they’re moving mountains in the long run. You know, like praying when you’d rather sleep in, or trusting God when everything’s falling apart.

Then there’s love. We all love love until it gets real, right? Paul calls it “labor,” and let’s face it, love can sometimes feel like pulling a double shift. It’s easy to love people who are lovable, but what about the ones who test your patience like it’s their spiritual gift? Yeah, that’s where the “labor” kicks in. And that’s the beauty of it—God calls us to labor in love, to stick it out even when it’s hard. It’s not the fluffy, feel-good love that just shows up when everything’s Instagram-worthy. It’s gritty, persistent, and sometimes, honestly, it’s exhausting—but it’s also where we grow the most.

And hope. Ah, hope. This one’s tricky because it’s supposed to be all about waiting, but let’s be honest, waiting stinks. Still, Paul says this hope isn’t passive. It’s patient endurance. It’s like running a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about trusting that God’s timing is better than ours, even when it feels like He’s got us on hold for way too long. But here’s the thing—hope keeps you moving. It’s like that last burst of energy you didn’t know you had, pushing you through when everything else says quit.

So, this verse is like a spiritual to-do list from Paul, but it’s not just about ticking boxes. It’s about embracing the messy, hard, and sometimes frustrating work of following Jesus. Faith, love, and hope aren’t just Sunday morning buzzwords—they’re daily, roll-up-your-sleeves kind of virtues. And if we’re doing it right, we’ll be tired, but we’ll also be growing. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll look a little more like Jesus on the other side. And hey, that’s worth it.

Personal Prayer

Dear Lord, strengthen my faith when I feel weak, and remind me that each small step of trust brings me closer to You.

Help me to love others as You have loved me, especially when it’s inconvenient or difficult. Give me the courage to labor in love, knowing that it is not always easy, but always worth it. Fill my heart with compassion and grace for those around me, even when I’m running low on both.

And in the moments when hope feels distant, remind me that my hope in You is secure and unshakable. Teach me to wait with patience, to trust in Your perfect plan, and to endure with confidence that You are working all things together for good.

Lord, let my life reflect these three virtues daily. I can’t do it without You. Thank You for being my constant source of strength and for walking with me every step of the way.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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